Work Experience - Empower

Tús - A Community Work Placement Scheme

Tús is a year long programme for people who are unemployed which helps participants to build skills and experience to help with long-term employability, while also receiving a top-up to social welfare payments.

Participants in the programme are placed in a one-year part-time job with a community, non-profit & charitable organisation in the Dublin 15 area. TÚS can help you start a career, change career or simple break the gaps of unemployment on your CV. It also helps understaffed, underfunded community organisations deliver services in the Dublin 15 area.

Part-time jobs are 19.5 hours per week in an area of your choice such as:

• Administration
• Caring
• Childcare
• Security
• Maintenance

Participants will build new skills, experience for CVs, make new contacts and have up to date employer references.

Here is a link to a slideshow detailing what Tús is and how it works.

For more information on the Tús programme call us on 01-8209550.


Transition is a programme supporting young people aged between 15 and 29, living with a mild or moderate intellectual disability, towards employability.

Transition falls under the umbrella of the national Ability programme. Ability is co-financed by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning 2014 to 2020.

Empower, partnering with disability service providers, established Transition in September 2018. Working with our key partners, Transition adopts a person-centred approach to identify the needs and supports required for each individual participant. In supporting participants towards becoming employed, Transition also connects in with and builds key alliances with potential work placement organisations in the Community and Voluntary sectors where the participant can gain invaluable work experience and training to benefit them in the longer term.

The central focus is to move forward to a place where the participant is integrated into mainstream employment and can access other services offered through Empower while remaining connected to current Disability Service providers.