

For most of its inhabitants, Fingal is a good place to live. It is largely affluent, dynamic and progressive. Despite this, there are 16,993 persons living in areas that are categorized as ‘disadvantaged/very disadvantaged’.


At a glance:

  • In the last 25 years, the population of Fingal has almost doubled
  • Fingal is the fastest growing county in the State
  • Fingal has the youngest population in the State
  • Many areas of Fingal have unemployment rates that far exceed the national average
  • Service provision has not kept up with the population expansion
  • There is a dearth of community childcare services
  • A diverse, multi-ethnic community


Fingal is a very young, diverse and multi-ethnic county with a rapidly growing population. There are significant variations in educational attainment, family status, employment, ethnicity, general health, rural isolation, disability and housing tenure, all of which can act as a barrier to equal access, opportunities and outcomes.

Social exclusion is a reality for many individuals and communities in Fingal. This deprivation is manifest in many ways, including unemployment, low income, poor housing, ill health, inadequate education, discrimination, social isolation and few recreational opportunities.

In some parts of Fingal unemployment is above 28%; over 20% of the population are early school leavers; almost a quarter of the population were born outside of the State; 10.8% have a disability; 19% are one-parent family units, with this being as high as 43% in some EDs; community childcare provision is a fraction of other comparative counties; 1,315 Travellers live in Fingal, and it is estimated over 2,000 Roma live in Fingal.